Monday, October 26, 2009

Z-Day: Day Z and Day 1

It finally happened...

The infection came to champlain, earlier than expected too. Luckily I was the one who brought it, so there was no harm done to me. Instead I just got to spread my infection, first to the loving Sam and then to the bumbling Bryan, whose gun misfired....oh was that delicious.

But seriously, Humans vs Zombies started today at Champlain, and boy is it awesome. Basically the game is Humans are players with Nerf guns and bandannas on any part of their body (accept their head) who have to survive the week against Zombies. If they get tagged by a zombie, well then, they become a zombie too, in an hour of course. If they shoot a zombie, that zombie is temporarily out of play for 15 minutes, before they can give chase again. This is shown by the red head-band around the zombies head, which is put down to their neck when they die.

The greatest part, is the fact that I was chosen as the OZ, the Original Zombie. I don't have to wear anything. In no way do I ever have to show that I am a zombie. It's complete stealth it's great. I can just sneak up to those who haven't heard it's me yet (One group already posted a picture of me on Twitter to warn others) and tag them.

Now quick overview of my hunting past 2 days, including Today which was the first day, and yesterday which was technically the infection day, or as I call it, Day Z.

Day Z:
Had the Flu, felt sick as shit, but didn't want that to stop the fun. Admins told me game was going to start early with a mission, and told me where I can go to round them off, so that's what I did. At 5:00 I was walking down the street and saw a GIANT line of people with Nerf Guns bolting down the street, screaming "HVZ" and in that group I saw Bryan and Sam, who I picked as my first targets already. Bryan and Sam were Screaming "DONNY HVZ HAS STARTED, IT STARTED TODAY" so I just continued to act like I had no idea what was going on, that I was sick and had to "skip the meeting" In my tactics I lured Bryan and Sam closer, and then Tagged Sam, and lunged at Bryan, Who tried to shoot me only to have his nerf gun jam, making him my second victim.

Already I had 2 zombies, and the game had only been on for 2 minutes. The rest of it just went on with people being extreme yelling about who they thought the OZ was. Things could be heard like "DO WE HAVE CONFIRMATION ON WHO HE IS" and "I HEARD HE'S A BLONDE KID WEARING A FADED BLUE SWEATSHIRT" (Mat said when I walked in the Audi wearing that his jaw dropped). I think even one kid yelled "IT'S SOME KID NAMED DONNY, WHO IS THAT?" I laughed a lot. But yeah, after that it was basically just the beginning, and I was going to wait till Day 1 to do anything.

Day 1:
Today started off perfectly without anything me even doing anything at first. Mat Lauro decided that he should help out a bit and let Sam eat him, so he could join my team (But he donated guns and ammo to Red Cell and other people, so no one be mad at him, he's just trying to make the game more fun). With Mat, my other half, on my side we started to stalk and hunt, spending most of our day on it (Though I had to quit a few times cause of my cough, which because of I am laying down now, resting, running around is a BAD idea when sick). Mat and I convened around 11:30, 12:00 at my Hall (After he ate his roommate Dave), and decided we would go to the caf for some food, and to scope out potential recruits for the Zombie Cause.

On the way to the Caf, it was hilarious, anyone with a nerf gun saw me and Mat and started like, wigging out. Since I mean come on, everyone knew I was the OZ and I had Mat who had a headband with me. On the way there were two guys walking straight towards us, who didn't even see us. I was about to circle around a van to get them while Mat distracted but Lucas saw me and warned the 2 guys, but it was good practice. In the Caf we sat next to the Rowell table and told them they were on our hit-list and just messed with them. Whenever someone entered and saw us it was hilarious, even though there were just 2 so far.

After the Caf we went out and decided to hunt, just walk around, get Sam, and evolve the ranks. We went after Lucas and his group of hunters, but stopped once they hid in the Ireland Building, and we didn't want to get tagged. That's when the Zombie Hunter arrived. We call him that cause he's really full of himself and his Zombie Hunting skills. We used the double exits of the Cushing building to our advantage and I had Mat lead Hunter away while I circled around to tag his buddies. Unfortunately I'm a clumsy idiot and I tripped one inch away from the guy, startling him, and getting me shot. Fail.

After that failure we went and rested, and staerted to plan the rest of our kills, and meet up with Sam who had tagged someone without our help. Go Sam. On our way to get Sam we sat on the porch of Hill to freak them out and have them Tweet about where we are (Travis did that), and right then (after leaving hill) we see some random guy leaving hill looking really on edge. So we split up and I walk down the other side of the street pretending to be on a cell phone. When we crossed he looked at me but didn't know, and before he realized it I tagged him and got us a recruit. Very stealthy.

We went on a few random adventures during that time span (Fighting with Hunter, Chasing Mike Letournau, scaring Josh) though we eventually ended up cornering Adam Marks and having him join the Pack (Mat got him from behind when he was focused on me). Dave also got his friend Ryan Warner in that time period, so we were strolling around with a large pack of Zombies.

Eventually it was us like, 7 or 8 against Hunter and we would have gotten him if back up didn't appear like 3 times. He was a quick one, but I scared him a few times, even entering a stalemate where he missed hitting me and I missed tagging him. But he's the highest on our list so he'll be gone soon. All in all my Zombies are doing well, so I have time to rest before going hunting tonight, since I still feel bad.

Worst. Week. To. Get. Sick.

More updates when more things happen. Keep up to date.

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