Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Aqua Laguna

Hello there, sorry it's been a few days since my update, I've had so much on my mind and nothing to do, so I've been swamped.

Almost as swamped as literally everything outside. Seriously, we just had the wettest July on record. July is a summer month, not a damn spring month. It should be filled with sun, screaming children, and melanoma, not clouds EVERY day that I want to do something, and sunshine that lasts for literally 2 hours a week. That's just stupid. It's like mother nature is going through an extra long cycle, and her PMS is lasting our entire summer. I remember the end of June everyone was saying " Don't worry, this rain will end in like a week, and then it'll a hot and dry scorcher of a summer". I have yet to get scorched, most of the time I just get soaked, and not at a pool either. Also the fact that I jump in a pool in the middle of July and it's ice-cold and the wind is blowing and there's no sun is wrong. I like my pools sun heated, thank you. And every time I plan to go to the beach it's pouring, or I have to be at the doctors. Luckily it rains anyway so I don't feel as bad. I have yet to see sand this summer, I'm not even sure I remember what it feels like.

Last friday even, I was supposed to be at Six Flags for the entire day. They even said it was going to be a bit cloudy, but mostly hot and humid. It poured buckets, lots of buckets. So many buckets they were almost pails, that's how many buckets of rain it poured. So instead we drove to Fox Woods so we could do something fun, and 2 hours later it stops raining, and is just cloudy. So yeah, Rain ruined my Six Flags day. So I'm making an official comment to Mother Nature. Stop it, seriously, enough of your PMS raining down on us. We want Sun. Bring us Sun.

Thank you.

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