Saturday, August 8, 2009

Nostalgia Goggles: Power Rangers

Sorry for such a delay guys, I'm just lazy and preoccupied with trivial matters. But I'm back now, with a new continuous bit that's about exactly what it sounds like, Nostalgia. The things that you loved years ago, that you grew up with, that no matter how bad they might seem today you still love cause you loved them as a kid. So, of course I'm going to start this off with one of my favorites, and classics from my childhood. Power Rangers!

I'm not talking about the Power Rangers that they're still running today, hell knows why, I'm talking about the classic show from the 90's that was still licensed by Saban. Back in the time where 60% of the footage was taken from the Japanese sentai shows, and even though the dialogue was cheesy it wasn't mind-numbingly awful like the newly released Disney Power Rangers. You may believe I am speaking purely on memory, but I actually re-watched an entire Saban Ranger Series a few months ago (Rangers in Space). Sure it was pretty cheesy and campy, but hey, it was a Saturday morning childrens show. Still, it was extremely enjoyable and just brought a lot of "HELL YEAHS" to my lips, making me feel like a child again. I've tried watching some of the newer Disney Rangers, just to see how they've kept up since my childhood, and I can't even stomach it. Just something seems, off. It just, doesn't have the same heart it used to. I'm not really sure.

Anyway, I'm sure the specific series that is prominent in all our minds, is still the one and only, Mighty Morphin'. The original
Power Ranger series, that lasted longer than any of the others, in fact it was over 100 episodes which was pretty monumental for a saturday morning childrens show. Even though it technically took footage from an already running Japanese Sentai (Which is guys in costumes and rubber monsters, done waaaaaay before us) it still had a nice feel to it. This is probably from the fact that they decided to find FIVE TEENAGERS WITH ATTITUDE! Though I'm pretty sure Billy had no attitude, but they needed some smart guy. Anyway, the fact that they had 5 kids with completely different ethnicities, personallities, and backgrounds made it so anyone could relate to the Power Rangers. No matter how many racial undertones there were (Asian Girl is Yellow Ranger, Black Guy is Black Ranger etc...). Though in my Opinion, the series was still just a mindless TV show until they brought in.......this badass...

That's right, Tommy, the most popular ranger. Guy shows up as a villain, who is brainwashed into wanting to kill the other Power Rangers. Even has his own personal Mecha-Godzilla which he uses to thrash the others on multiple occasions. He didn't even have to go inside his Robot to pilot it, that's how badass Tommy was. Though, before he could do anymore damage, the team freed him from his mind-control and he joined them, and instantly became the leader. That was, until of course, he lost his Green Ranger powers and reverted back into normal Tommy. But like that could stop this BAMF, he just found himself another magic sword and became the White Ranger, cause he doesn't give a shit bout your semantics.

In fact he continued to change colors so much, that soon he was brighter than a Gay Pride flag. That was how awesome he was. In fact the character was in more episodes than any other character, and has been more colors than any other ranger. He's also lead atleast 4 different teams of rangers, from 2 Different Teams of Mighty Morphings, To a Zeo Team, To the First Turbo Team, and then even to the Dino-Rangers. Tommy Oliver was the man, and the only thing that made Power Rangers: Dino Thunder even slightly bearable.

I'm pretty sure that even if people don't remember much about the Power Rangers, they remember Tommy. Since everyone knew Tommy. Even the actor who played him is badass. Jason David Frank (Guys got 3 first names, holy crap) went on to create his own form of Martial Arts, open dojos across america, and enter a Martial Arts Hall of Fame alongside Chuck Norris. Yeah, I know.


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