Friday, August 14, 2009

Play till your fingers break!

You never see good advertising for video games anymore. It used to be a few years ago there were all sorts of commercials on the TV for actual DECENT video games, now you get the occasional ones for Wii games that have to do with even MORE party games, or some DS games that aren't quite pokemon. Or if you switch to Spike or G4 you get some crappy PC game that's a knock-off of all the rest. It's very rare that an A+ game get's a Television Spot. Well, in America at least.

Japan, always has advertisements down for Video Games, and most of the time they are faaaaaar superior to the American ones. It makes since though, Japan has always been better when it came to Video games. It's one of the things they do best along with Cartoon Porn and Sexualizing Women. So it's no surprise that one of the greatest video game marketing mascots came from Japan.

Back when Sega was creating game consoles, they released one known as the Sega Saturn. The Sega Saturn had graphics and game-play far-ahead of it's time of release (Like the Dreamcast did), yet failed in America because of it's poor advertising scheme. In japan, it was pretty popular, a lot to do with the commercials, which introduced one of the toughest game-mascots in existance. Segata Sanshiro. Segata was a gruff martial-artist in a Karate Gi who would beat people up if they did not play the Sega Saturn. In fact, he killed 3 boys who just came back from a baseball game cause they didn't play it. He took his video games seriously. But he wasn't a bad guy, he just wanted the children to be happy, so he did all he could for them. Like coach a soccer team twice, play baseball with them, even save Sega from a Terrorist.

Segata did it all, I mean he even had his own theme song! Sadly though, since the Sega Saturn was still very unnsuccesful outside of Japan, Sega did the smart choice and decided to end it, and release a new system. Though to honor Segata they ended the system with giving him his own game, and a final commercial to remember him by.

Here are some of the best of his commercials:

Good Bye Brave Hero, we will remember you forever!

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