Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Addicted to Love

Okay, so yesterday I go to my first real meeting with my psychiatrist, and sit down and talk with him for an hour or so. He just asked me questions about why I was there, how I felt, and everything going down. I just told him of my focus issues, and he did a few checks before he told me that I have ADHD. Big Suprise. I've known I've had ADHD since I was like, in elementary school, cause my parents would always have books about it lying around and kept saying "It's for you!" Well, now I officially had a doctors opinion on it. Then he went into asking me about my anxiety, paranoia, stress, all those deals. You know, the things where I think everyone hates me or stupid stuff like that. Yeah, so I told him all that which he seems amazed by. I have no idea why, he probably talks to hundreds of people a week who say the exact same things. So I was thinking he would have to give me tests before he thinks I have depression or anything like that. Nope. He immediatly decided that I need to be on Anti-Depressants. That's fine and all, but there was no talking, no consulting my parents first, it was like "Are you 18? BAM! Adderal and Prozac!" So now, I'm taking drugs that are supposed to help, yet have so many side-affects you would think they used these to assasainate people. I mean I could get seizures, start hearing voices, have a sudden heart attack, JUST fromt he Adderal. That's ridiculous man. I mean, yeah it's working, and I'm actually typing faster than I have before cause I am not distracted by the rest of the internet, but seriously? That many side-affects? Even a possibility of dependence. That's a little silly. Well, at least they warn me though, so I'm prepared to be the guy breaking into your grand-mothers house and popping her prescription pills because I'm addicted to them. Can't wait. I've heard it's an exciting life. Junkie-hood here I come!

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