Monday, October 26, 2009

Z-Day: Day Z and Day 1

It finally happened...

The infection came to champlain, earlier than expected too. Luckily I was the one who brought it, so there was no harm done to me. Instead I just got to spread my infection, first to the loving Sam and then to the bumbling Bryan, whose gun misfired....oh was that delicious.

But seriously, Humans vs Zombies started today at Champlain, and boy is it awesome. Basically the game is Humans are players with Nerf guns and bandannas on any part of their body (accept their head) who have to survive the week against Zombies. If they get tagged by a zombie, well then, they become a zombie too, in an hour of course. If they shoot a zombie, that zombie is temporarily out of play for 15 minutes, before they can give chase again. This is shown by the red head-band around the zombies head, which is put down to their neck when they die.

The greatest part, is the fact that I was chosen as the OZ, the Original Zombie. I don't have to wear anything. In no way do I ever have to show that I am a zombie. It's complete stealth it's great. I can just sneak up to those who haven't heard it's me yet (One group already posted a picture of me on Twitter to warn others) and tag them.

Now quick overview of my hunting past 2 days, including Today which was the first day, and yesterday which was technically the infection day, or as I call it, Day Z.

Day Z:
Had the Flu, felt sick as shit, but didn't want that to stop the fun. Admins told me game was going to start early with a mission, and told me where I can go to round them off, so that's what I did. At 5:00 I was walking down the street and saw a GIANT line of people with Nerf Guns bolting down the street, screaming "HVZ" and in that group I saw Bryan and Sam, who I picked as my first targets already. Bryan and Sam were Screaming "DONNY HVZ HAS STARTED, IT STARTED TODAY" so I just continued to act like I had no idea what was going on, that I was sick and had to "skip the meeting" In my tactics I lured Bryan and Sam closer, and then Tagged Sam, and lunged at Bryan, Who tried to shoot me only to have his nerf gun jam, making him my second victim.

Already I had 2 zombies, and the game had only been on for 2 minutes. The rest of it just went on with people being extreme yelling about who they thought the OZ was. Things could be heard like "DO WE HAVE CONFIRMATION ON WHO HE IS" and "I HEARD HE'S A BLONDE KID WEARING A FADED BLUE SWEATSHIRT" (Mat said when I walked in the Audi wearing that his jaw dropped). I think even one kid yelled "IT'S SOME KID NAMED DONNY, WHO IS THAT?" I laughed a lot. But yeah, after that it was basically just the beginning, and I was going to wait till Day 1 to do anything.

Day 1:
Today started off perfectly without anything me even doing anything at first. Mat Lauro decided that he should help out a bit and let Sam eat him, so he could join my team (But he donated guns and ammo to Red Cell and other people, so no one be mad at him, he's just trying to make the game more fun). With Mat, my other half, on my side we started to stalk and hunt, spending most of our day on it (Though I had to quit a few times cause of my cough, which because of I am laying down now, resting, running around is a BAD idea when sick). Mat and I convened around 11:30, 12:00 at my Hall (After he ate his roommate Dave), and decided we would go to the caf for some food, and to scope out potential recruits for the Zombie Cause.

On the way to the Caf, it was hilarious, anyone with a nerf gun saw me and Mat and started like, wigging out. Since I mean come on, everyone knew I was the OZ and I had Mat who had a headband with me. On the way there were two guys walking straight towards us, who didn't even see us. I was about to circle around a van to get them while Mat distracted but Lucas saw me and warned the 2 guys, but it was good practice. In the Caf we sat next to the Rowell table and told them they were on our hit-list and just messed with them. Whenever someone entered and saw us it was hilarious, even though there were just 2 so far.

After the Caf we went out and decided to hunt, just walk around, get Sam, and evolve the ranks. We went after Lucas and his group of hunters, but stopped once they hid in the Ireland Building, and we didn't want to get tagged. That's when the Zombie Hunter arrived. We call him that cause he's really full of himself and his Zombie Hunting skills. We used the double exits of the Cushing building to our advantage and I had Mat lead Hunter away while I circled around to tag his buddies. Unfortunately I'm a clumsy idiot and I tripped one inch away from the guy, startling him, and getting me shot. Fail.

After that failure we went and rested, and staerted to plan the rest of our kills, and meet up with Sam who had tagged someone without our help. Go Sam. On our way to get Sam we sat on the porch of Hill to freak them out and have them Tweet about where we are (Travis did that), and right then (after leaving hill) we see some random guy leaving hill looking really on edge. So we split up and I walk down the other side of the street pretending to be on a cell phone. When we crossed he looked at me but didn't know, and before he realized it I tagged him and got us a recruit. Very stealthy.

We went on a few random adventures during that time span (Fighting with Hunter, Chasing Mike Letournau, scaring Josh) though we eventually ended up cornering Adam Marks and having him join the Pack (Mat got him from behind when he was focused on me). Dave also got his friend Ryan Warner in that time period, so we were strolling around with a large pack of Zombies.

Eventually it was us like, 7 or 8 against Hunter and we would have gotten him if back up didn't appear like 3 times. He was a quick one, but I scared him a few times, even entering a stalemate where he missed hitting me and I missed tagging him. But he's the highest on our list so he'll be gone soon. All in all my Zombies are doing well, so I have time to rest before going hunting tonight, since I still feel bad.

Worst. Week. To. Get. Sick.

More updates when more things happen. Keep up to date.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Game Hype: Fallout

Hey dere everybodies! I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I've updated. With college being insanity and all, you can understand that when I have breathing time, the last thing I want to do is write some more. So now that I feel like I should update, I will update. I'll try to update more often but not everyday like which was originally planned, since I run out of ideas by then. Now it's time for the first Game Hype in a long time, presenting one of my new favorite games:
Fallout: A Post-apocalyptic Role playing Game:

Now, I'm sure most of you out there have heard of Fallout 3, which was 2008's game of the year released for the PC and Xbox360. Yet I doubt many of you have seen, or even played the original Fallout! Truthfully, if it wasn't for college I would not have either. And I have to say, even though I have never played Fallout 3, I know enough about it to say that these games are VERY DIFFERENT. But different, is never bad, and there is no reason that you shouldn't want to play Fallout if you
love Fallout 3.

For Starters:

Fallout takes place around 80 years after 2077, where most of civilization has been completely decimated by nuclear war, and the entire landscape is now a desert filled with tribal people surviving as best they can. You are a survivor who was raised in a high-technology facility known as a Vault. The Vaults were designed before the war, as giant colonies underground. You have never seen the outside world, since your people were always too afraid that it would be filled with radiation, EVERYWHERE. Unfortunately, the water purification chip that keeps your Vaults water supply flowing has broken, so it's
UP TO YOU to find another.
Thus the Adventure Begins!

Out of the Box:

Although elements of the two games are similar, where Fallout 3 is a First Person Role playing game, Fallout is a traditional top down RPG, where the player moves their character through hexagonal terrain. It was originally made for the PC in 1997, so the graphics are not "MIND BLOWING" but for the time they were pretty damn good, very nicely rendered. Also the stat syste
m they use known as SPECIAL (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck) makes the game so well-rounded and unique in character creation that it can be played over and over again without feeling boring. I have already made 2 characters who act completely different. Since the best part of this game is social interaction, you can decide if you want to be a dick and kill everyone, or a saint and save everyone.

Attack his Weakpoint, For Massive Damage:

What's even better is the unique battle system this game has. The whole game takes place in real-time, yet when a conflict arises the game switches into turn
-based roleplaying mode, where everything is based on action points (Which can be boosted through stats). Since action points are used, if you have bonuses that reduce the number of action points needed to attack someone, you can do multiple consecutive hits in a row. Even more, theirs a precision hit option that lets you pick body parts to attack, such as the eyes or groin (Best places to hit). This is fun cause you can cripple your enemy making it easier to win.

Ice That Cake

What really wraps this game up and ties it together are the witty little jokes that the designers threw in. Such as getting a picture of Elvis off of a crashed alien ship, or befriending Mad Max's dog if you're wearing his leather jacket. Even farther are the little blurbs of dialouge thrown in during a critical hit. Things such as "You crushed his head like a paper bag" or "You critically hit Laine in the Groin for no damage, but have eliminated her hopes of bearing children" Things like that really put a smile
on my face everytime I play it.

So what are you waiting for, this is a REALLY good game, and even if you aren't a fan of Role Playing games, try it anyway, if you don't like it, sue me. Who cares, it's your opinion. So just go get a copy, it's cheap now and it's on Steam for any of you steam users.

Now go! Save the World!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sneak Preview of the next Rock Band and it's track list!

Beatles Rock Band was huge, but of course there's still another in the making and this one I'm even more excited about. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a large success, especially in the older crowd who still like to think about their childhood, and in a more nostalgic way than a creepy way. Yet, now I am about to blow your minds since EA and Harmonix have just announced that the new Rock Band will be titled "Rock Band: Cartoon Theme Songs" and will possibly be released as two separate game titled "Rock Band: 80's Theme Songs" and "Rock Band: 90's Theme Songs".

If you're like me, which you probably are if you're reading this blog instead of doing better things, then you probably love remembering all the shows you watched when growing up, and probably LOVE listening to those old themes. Hell, I've seen you sing the Ninja Turtles Theme at a McDonalds once. It was embarrassing, but so awesome at the same time. So now thanks to EA, Harmonix, and MTV you can rock out with your friends to your favorite songs and not look geeky. Instead it's acceptable, since it's Rock Band!

The other part that I'm stoked for (and hardcore players are bashing) is the removal of the Bass from play in the game, since instead it's being replaced by....brace for impact....A Freaking Keyboard! Yup, finally a Rock Band where you can actually play a keyboard, which I think has been lacking from the other Rock Bands, especially when playing Boston and Journey.

Now before I let myself ramble on about how this will make up for the decline in Rock Band/Guitar Hero games, and bring back some fun and variety to it, I'm just going to show the songs that have been shown to be on the set list. Their are more to be announced, but these were the first to give us a little taste of what we'll be able to play:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme
Darkwing Duck Theme
Ducktales Theme
Mighty Moprhin' Power Rangers Theme (BUCKETHEAD! I am Freaking out man!)
Cow and Chicken Theme (I'm not really excited on this one, but it'd be fun on drums)
Bonkers Theme
Pokemon Theme (This will probably get lots of guys excited)
Digimon Theme (This gets me excited, Pokemon fans might rage though)
Freakazoid Theme (Hell yes)
Pinky and the Brain Theme
Rocko's Modern Life Theme (Going to be amazing on drums!)
Spongebob Squarepants Theme (Being one of Nick's longest running shows at the moment, this is a given)

Okay, that's all they've released so far, if you really want more info hit up the official site, They have a bit more coverage of it, though the release date has yet to be announced. Fingers Crossed for Christmas people! Rock Out!

Disclaimer: There is no such thing as Rock Band Theme Songs. This is so obviously faked and made up, that even I won't believe it, and I made up the lie. I will never try to convince you it's real, in fact I am admitting it is not. But if you believed me I find that funny, since I even linked the actual company site for you. Pretty funny...Basically I just thought this would be an amazing idea for a game, so I presented it, in my own special way. Also, I'd like to thank my roommate Moses for giving me the idea by so promptly saying "Dude, they should put the Pokemon Theme on Rock Band" Also, he suggested the Keyboard part. Okay, now you've been informed and can't call me a liar, or sue me. It was a joke. EA will probably laugh. Go back to your lives. See you next post.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Triumphant Return!

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

We seem to have Technical Difficulties.

Sorry for those faithful followers who follow this blog (Are there any), I haven't updated in quite a while, but this isn't because I have forgotten. I spent the last week getting ready for college, and I have just recently moved into my dorm and gotten set up, so just bear with me, I will update soon.

Don't worry.

But for now, I give you drinking out of cups:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I hate you, Blizzard

As many of you may be aware I used to play World of Warcraft. In fact I played it since the original open Beta back in 2004, yeah, I've played it for a loooooooooooong time, since middle school in fact, and I just graduated from High School. I am also a long time follower of Blizzard, since the original Warcraft Series were my first Computer games and I've played and loved Starcraft and Diablo, both. But recently, I have given up on Blizzard since it felt like WoW lost it's heart, and it really was only about grinding and making money by roping in casuals and mainstreamers, and not catering to us die-hard fans. So I stopped playing World of Warcraft, and felt pretty good about that, since that saves me money and time, and I can use that time to play other video games and do other things.

This is why I have to say, I hate you Blizzard. Since yesterday at Blizzcon, they revealed footage for the new expansion, Cataclysm, and even let a few people play through the 2 new races. And I have to say, it makes me want to play again. What. The. Hell! It looks so well done and like Blizzard is actually going back and caring about the story and the gameplay, which is what makes me like games.

The plot of Cataclysm is that Deathwing (The Insane Black Dragon Aspect that has been chained under the earth for decades) has forced himself out of the earth in a veeeeery big way, which has completely altered the landscape of Azeorth. Places are becoming flooded, The Barrens have been completely split in half, another Human City decided to join the Alliance (Though they are cursed to be Werewolf creatures), and the Goblins were caught in the crossfire and their clan has been divided causing some of them to join up with the horde. The new races aren't even what excites me, it's the fact that for one the land will be phased so everything can change when you do things, which can alter everything! The other thing is the fact that they're changing everything in a LARGE way, like literally, the landscape and plot and everything, which means that we will get the Lich King final raid dungeon soon to kill Arthas, so that's out of the way before Deathwing shows up.

Damn it Blizzard, I might have to start playing, I don't have the money for that damn it.

For more info check out this article

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Essential Movies that Should be watched by you....maybe even you!

As you may know I'm a pretty big movie buff, or at least I really like movies. Not stupid mindless comedies, but usually the deeper stuff most people call classics, I don't know. Anyway, I was having a discussion with some family members about what movies we should consider Classics. Not as in Classic because of age, but because they're movies that either change their genre, were p0pular years later, considered fantastically directed movies, or just damn amazing. So I've decided to come up with my own list of what movies I think are Essential, that people should at least watch once before they die. So here I go, for now I'm just going to list the title and notable actors in it, I won't go into any details or argue why I think they should be there yet. I want to have some feedback before I do. Let'sa go'a:

Star Wars: The Original Trilogy - Mark Hammil, Harrison Ford, James Earl Jones Voice
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark - Harrison Ford, Even More Harrison Ford
Rambo: First blood - Sylvester Stallone
Rocky I - Sylvester Stallone
2001: A Space Odyssey - HAL
Planet of the Apes - Charlton Heston
Stranger Than Fiction - Will Ferrel, Maggie Gyllenhal, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifa
Boondock Saints - Willem Dafoe
Resevoir Dogs - Steve Buscemi
Pulp Fiction - Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman
Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Alien - Sigourney Weaver
Predator - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Top Gun - Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer
Evil Dead - Bruce Campbell
Seven - Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gweneth Paltrow
James Bond Series - The Ones with Sean Connery
Donnie Darko - Jake Gyllenhal
Titanic - Leonardo DiCaprio
Ghost Busters - Bill Murray, Dan Ackroid
Princess Bride - Cary Elwes, Andre the Giant
Ocean's 11 - George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Bernie Mac, Don Cheedle, Julia Roberts
Hook - Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams
Good Morning, Vietnam - Robin Williams
Jurassic Park - Jeff Goldblum
Jaws - Richard Dreyfuss
The Matrix - Keanu Reeves, Hugo Weaving, Laurence Fishbourne, Joe Pantoliano
Memento - Joe Pantoliano
Karate Kid - Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl - Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley
Requiem for a Dream - Jared Leto, Marlon Wayans
There will be blood - Daniel Day Lewis and his Mustache
No country for old men - Tommy lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Woody Harrelson, Javier Bardem
Independence Day - Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum
Men In Black - Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones
The Truman Show - Jim Carrey
Bruce Almighty - Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston
Airplane - Leslie Nielsen
Forest Gump - Tom Hanks
The Green Mile - Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan
Apollo 13 - Tom Hanks
The Goonies - Josh Brolin, Corey Feldman
Total Recall - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Lord of The Rings - Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, Christopher Lee, Sir Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortenson
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Gene Wilder
The Shining - Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall

Okay, I know this has a lot to do on opinion and everything, but I'd really like to know everyone's feedback, what things you want to be on here, or think should be. Also what movie's you think I've missed. I want a lot of feedback, cause I think I'm going to continue this on for awhile. I also missed the whole Chick Flick/Feel Good movie Genre, so we'll get back to them soon.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Play till your fingers break!

You never see good advertising for video games anymore. It used to be a few years ago there were all sorts of commercials on the TV for actual DECENT video games, now you get the occasional ones for Wii games that have to do with even MORE party games, or some DS games that aren't quite pokemon. Or if you switch to Spike or G4 you get some crappy PC game that's a knock-off of all the rest. It's very rare that an A+ game get's a Television Spot. Well, in America at least.

Japan, always has advertisements down for Video Games, and most of the time they are faaaaaar superior to the American ones. It makes since though, Japan has always been better when it came to Video games. It's one of the things they do best along with Cartoon Porn and Sexualizing Women. So it's no surprise that one of the greatest video game marketing mascots came from Japan.

Back when Sega was creating game consoles, they released one known as the Sega Saturn. The Sega Saturn had graphics and game-play far-ahead of it's time of release (Like the Dreamcast did), yet failed in America because of it's poor advertising scheme. In japan, it was pretty popular, a lot to do with the commercials, which introduced one of the toughest game-mascots in existance. Segata Sanshiro. Segata was a gruff martial-artist in a Karate Gi who would beat people up if they did not play the Sega Saturn. In fact, he killed 3 boys who just came back from a baseball game cause they didn't play it. He took his video games seriously. But he wasn't a bad guy, he just wanted the children to be happy, so he did all he could for them. Like coach a soccer team twice, play baseball with them, even save Sega from a Terrorist.

Segata did it all, I mean he even had his own theme song! Sadly though, since the Sega Saturn was still very unnsuccesful outside of Japan, Sega did the smart choice and decided to end it, and release a new system. Though to honor Segata they ended the system with giving him his own game, and a final commercial to remember him by.

Here are some of the best of his commercials:

Good Bye Brave Hero, we will remember you forever!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Nostalgia Goggles: Power Rangers

Sorry for such a delay guys, I'm just lazy and preoccupied with trivial matters. But I'm back now, with a new continuous bit that's about exactly what it sounds like, Nostalgia. The things that you loved years ago, that you grew up with, that no matter how bad they might seem today you still love cause you loved them as a kid. So, of course I'm going to start this off with one of my favorites, and classics from my childhood. Power Rangers!

I'm not talking about the Power Rangers that they're still running today, hell knows why, I'm talking about the classic show from the 90's that was still licensed by Saban. Back in the time where 60% of the footage was taken from the Japanese sentai shows, and even though the dialogue was cheesy it wasn't mind-numbingly awful like the newly released Disney Power Rangers. You may believe I am speaking purely on memory, but I actually re-watched an entire Saban Ranger Series a few months ago (Rangers in Space). Sure it was pretty cheesy and campy, but hey, it was a Saturday morning childrens show. Still, it was extremely enjoyable and just brought a lot of "HELL YEAHS" to my lips, making me feel like a child again. I've tried watching some of the newer Disney Rangers, just to see how they've kept up since my childhood, and I can't even stomach it. Just something seems, off. It just, doesn't have the same heart it used to. I'm not really sure.

Anyway, I'm sure the specific series that is prominent in all our minds, is still the one and only, Mighty Morphin'. The original
Power Ranger series, that lasted longer than any of the others, in fact it was over 100 episodes which was pretty monumental for a saturday morning childrens show. Even though it technically took footage from an already running Japanese Sentai (Which is guys in costumes and rubber monsters, done waaaaaay before us) it still had a nice feel to it. This is probably from the fact that they decided to find FIVE TEENAGERS WITH ATTITUDE! Though I'm pretty sure Billy had no attitude, but they needed some smart guy. Anyway, the fact that they had 5 kids with completely different ethnicities, personallities, and backgrounds made it so anyone could relate to the Power Rangers. No matter how many racial undertones there were (Asian Girl is Yellow Ranger, Black Guy is Black Ranger etc...). Though in my Opinion, the series was still just a mindless TV show until they brought in.......this badass...

That's right, Tommy, the most popular ranger. Guy shows up as a villain, who is brainwashed into wanting to kill the other Power Rangers. Even has his own personal Mecha-Godzilla which he uses to thrash the others on multiple occasions. He didn't even have to go inside his Robot to pilot it, that's how badass Tommy was. Though, before he could do anymore damage, the team freed him from his mind-control and he joined them, and instantly became the leader. That was, until of course, he lost his Green Ranger powers and reverted back into normal Tommy. But like that could stop this BAMF, he just found himself another magic sword and became the White Ranger, cause he doesn't give a shit bout your semantics.

In fact he continued to change colors so much, that soon he was brighter than a Gay Pride flag. That was how awesome he was. In fact the character was in more episodes than any other character, and has been more colors than any other ranger. He's also lead atleast 4 different teams of rangers, from 2 Different Teams of Mighty Morphings, To a Zeo Team, To the First Turbo Team, and then even to the Dino-Rangers. Tommy Oliver was the man, and the only thing that made Power Rangers: Dino Thunder even slightly bearable.

I'm pretty sure that even if people don't remember much about the Power Rangers, they remember Tommy. Since everyone knew Tommy. Even the actor who played him is badass. Jason David Frank (Guys got 3 first names, holy crap) went on to create his own form of Martial Arts, open dojos across america, and enter a Martial Arts Hall of Fame alongside Chuck Norris. Yeah, I know.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hey look it's Obama

Man knows how to relax
But can take some time to take a photo in front of his memorial

That Obama sure can dress sharp, just look at that casual dress.

Though he can get into his formal suit when the occasion calls.

Guy knows how to do what he does, and he does it best.

None of the attempts were the same after that day, guess they all lost heart
But who can blame them? I mean this dude is best friends with Spider-Man.

What a classy guy.

Happy Birthday Mr. President!

Aqua Laguna

Hello there, sorry it's been a few days since my update, I've had so much on my mind and nothing to do, so I've been swamped.

Almost as swamped as literally everything outside. Seriously, we just had the wettest July on record. July is a summer month, not a damn spring month. It should be filled with sun, screaming children, and melanoma, not clouds EVERY day that I want to do something, and sunshine that lasts for literally 2 hours a week. That's just stupid. It's like mother nature is going through an extra long cycle, and her PMS is lasting our entire summer. I remember the end of June everyone was saying " Don't worry, this rain will end in like a week, and then it'll a hot and dry scorcher of a summer". I have yet to get scorched, most of the time I just get soaked, and not at a pool either. Also the fact that I jump in a pool in the middle of July and it's ice-cold and the wind is blowing and there's no sun is wrong. I like my pools sun heated, thank you. And every time I plan to go to the beach it's pouring, or I have to be at the doctors. Luckily it rains anyway so I don't feel as bad. I have yet to see sand this summer, I'm not even sure I remember what it feels like.

Last friday even, I was supposed to be at Six Flags for the entire day. They even said it was going to be a bit cloudy, but mostly hot and humid. It poured buckets, lots of buckets. So many buckets they were almost pails, that's how many buckets of rain it poured. So instead we drove to Fox Woods so we could do something fun, and 2 hours later it stops raining, and is just cloudy. So yeah, Rain ruined my Six Flags day. So I'm making an official comment to Mother Nature. Stop it, seriously, enough of your PMS raining down on us. We want Sun. Bring us Sun.

Thank you.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Game Hype: The Ocarina of Time

It's another edition of Game Hype, and this issue I'm talking about the greatest Zelda game known to man (Majora Fans don't hate me):

This game is a classic, literally, it's 11 years old, and still played today and considered one of the best dungeon adventure games produced by nintendo, and for the N64. This is also the first game in the Zelda series to be 3-Dimensional and the first one to incorporate the 3 Pieces of Triforce in the story line. Sure, the Triforce always existed, but this started the whole segment about the Triforce being split into 3 pieces which were known as the Triforce of Wisdom, the Triforce of Courage, and the Triforce of Power. Which becomes very significant to the story and the rest of the Zelda timeline, no matter how confusing this is.

Okay, the basic story (Without spoiling it for those who have yet to play it) is that you wake up from a terrible nightmare of an evil figure on a horse, as Link, the small Kokiri boy with no fairy. This is unusual in Kokiris, since all Kokiris have fairys. This is why Link is sort of an outcast, though he still has friends, except Milo of course (Cause he's a dick). Suddenly though, the great Deku Tree (Guardian of the Forest) Sends you a fairy, which turns out to be Navi the most annoying part of the game. The only part I can truthfully say I hate, since every five seconds navi yells at you to do something completely dumb. Or while you're doing the task she wanted you to do, she continues to remind you that you're doing it. Yeah, annoying.

Anyway, it's revealed that you are a child of destiny and that you are destined to meet princess Zelda. Which of course you go out and do, and of course she tells you that a great evil is approaching and that you got to get the 3 sacred gems to open the Sacred Realm that way you can protect the triforce from evil. From then on you go on an adventure through dungeons that are filled with monsters, traps, puzzles, and crazy weaponry with your trust Master Sword, which allows you to travel back and forth through time. That's the part I love about this game. You can travel forward and back 7 years, from Kid Link to Adult Link. This allows you to get secret items and do special quests by screwing around with the flow of time.

To make it better you have a magical ocarina that can warp time and space, and make things really fun and easy. All you do is play the right song and BOOM a giant block appears, or BANG a door opens, or PAZOW a windmill owner gets really really pissed off. Music is power basically, in this game.

I wish I could go into more detail on this game, but unlike Team Fortress 2, this game is a one player game where you have to play it to figure out the story and everything. If I try to hype it too much, there will be no suprises anymore. So instead I'll just add that for an N64 game it's FILLED with so much extra content like quests and large dungeons that it's sort of unbelieveable. It's fun to replay, and it's a very exciting game, with at least 10 dungeons in it. Which means of course, 10 bosses. That's so cool.

Go pick it up, since for N64 it'd only be like 3 dollars now, and you can get it for 1000 points on WiiWare. Perfect game to add to your colleciton.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Warcraft: Curse of the Casual Gamers

So, as you might have heard blizzard is green-lighting the creation of a Warcraft movie done by Sam Raimi. That's right a Warcraft movie, NOT a World of Warcraft movie. Yet the media and the casuals do not seem to get this? The press release that blizzard did announcing the movie they made it clear it was a WARCRAFT movie, not a World of Warcraft. What's the difference? A lot, is the difference. World of Warcraft is based off the Warcraft series and uses the storylines and the lore from the series to craft a vast world for people to play in and create THEIR OWN STORIES. A World of Warcraft movie would make no sense, since the plot of World of Warcraft is that you control a person in the world. You can't do that in a movie (As of yet. Technology etc..) so it would have to be based off some past storylines.

Blizzard fans who've played the old Warcraft and Starcraft games know this. Hell, most of us want it to be basically the movie version of Warcraft III, since theres so much action and war in it that it's storyline is equal to the lord of the rings books, in one package. Sure fans might rage on me for that (No clue why, I love Lord of the Rings) but it's true. Warcraft 3 covers an entire world being invaded by the Burning Legion (Army of other-worldly demons), an undead scourge, like 3 of the main human kingdoms falling, Arthas, Thrall, bunches of awesome. The plots of the first 2 warcraft games set up for 3, but were pretty lacking. 2 was alright though, since it covered the destruction of the orcish homeland, so that was fine.

But plainly, I'm just saying that people need to get facts straight. I like Blizzard, but since World of Warcraft became a well known phenomenon it seems like that's ALL they're known for. Hell, a friend I know who atleast has played Warcraft 3 asked me yesterday what Starcraft was. How do you not know what Starcraft is? It's f-cking Starcraft. It was released OVER 10 years ago and is still claimed to be the best real time strategy game. Which I agree with.

Just makes me sad how a good company is only known for one game now, since it became popular with people who don't really play games. Casuals. And I don't even dislike casuals, it's just the fact that you say Warcraft in a room and EVERYONE think's you're talking bout the World.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So it's not very often I get into new bands. I'm always so picky on my music, and always like to stay with what I'm familiar. The only times I have venture into new music is if the radio or a friend shows it to me. Even new songs from bands I love I won't listen to by my own choice, since I'm just too obsessed with feeling familiar. So it came as a suprise when my friend Christine got me into a band called Man Man. This is even stranger to the fact that Christine and I rarely see eye to eye on music. We have had many fights on how I don't really care for Marilyn Manson or how to her Kurt Cobain was a god, and to me he was just pretty okay. So the fact that she got me interested in a band is really neat. Especially a band as strange as Man Man. These songs are almost nonsensical but so good, and catchy. Just can't stop listening to them.

Check them out.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Edgy Cop 2: Electric Boogaloo

I just recently realized how much I miss the old 70's to 80's edgy cop movies. You know, the ones where there's always the cops who never get along at first, because one never plays by the rules and the other is a loose cannon. Yeah those. What ever happened to them? They really were fun to watch and even invented a genre called "Buddy Cop Movies". That genre even broke out of the cop on the edge thing and went into other genres too. MIB was a Buddy Cop Movie. Pulp Fiction was technically a Buddy Cop Movie. Starsky And Hutch was a very bad buddy cop movie based on a cop on the edge TV show.

So, I'm just saying. Let's bring back edgy buddy cop movies, where everyone has mustaches and aviators and ridiculous nicknames. I think that could bring back some life into the police films, since all the ones that recently came out with like Robert Dinero and Al Pacchino kinda fell flat. Trying too hard to be dark and mysterious. Just go back to lots of explosions and mustaches.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Game Hype: Team Fortress 2

I am a very big fan of Video games, I play them more than I do most anything else, hell I'm even going to college to study them. So I thought about it, and realized there are a lot of games out there that I play all the time and love, yet a lot of people I know haven't even heard of them. So I decided to start a continuous bit where occasionally I talk about a certain game in particular and praise it, in hopes to get you to try it. Now let's begin with my newest addiction:H'okay, let's start with the basics of this wonderful game. Team Fortress 2 is a team-based first person shooter game that runs on the PC (I heard the X-box version is bad, I do not advise you get that one). It's played always online with other people on your team or against you in various team-based games. If you're not the type of person who likes to play online with others, or if you don't even have internet, this is probably not your type of game. These various team-based games can vary from the typical Capture the Flag games, to Capture Point Games (Basically, teams fight each other seeing who can capture all of the Check Points before time runs out), Arena (Most Players living wins), Cart Races and more. What makes the game even more interesting, is the fact that it's Class based. What's that mean? Well, it means that a player can choose from 9 different unique classes in order to best stratagize with his team-mates in beating the enemy. This also means teams and games are always balanced (To an extent), unlike other games where everyone gets the same weapons leaving many people to just jump around and spam Rocket Launchers. And every class is useful in it's own way.

All the classes are balanced that they each have their Primary Weapons, Secondary Weapons, and then their Close Combat weapon. This makes it so that even if each class plays differently, they still all get a fair advantage at killing each other. To make this EVEN better, every class gets 3 unlockable weapons (As patches and updates happen) That they can switch out with their initial weapons to design the perfect character. The 9 classes are also split up into 3 groups of 3, determining what they excel in. The 3 groups are Offense, Defense, and Support. Here we go:

Offensive Classes:
Okay, these classes are the ones used most to quickly clear out enemy buildings and Control Points, and cause quite a bit of damage on the way. All three are deadly if used properly, but are all quite different when contrasted.

The Scout:
The scout is the fastest of all of the classes, able to use their speed to always be the first into an area where they can quickly shoot off a few rounds of their scattergun and then dash away. The scattergun's wide-blast radius makes it a very useful gun for a quick moving character. You can shoot inaccurately due to your dashing but still land hits on your opponents, which is great for driving them back, not to mention the ammount of damage you can do if you get close enough. To make it even better Scouts can double jump allowing them to reach higher areas quicker than anyone else, which makes them a great infiltrating class
Starting Weapons: Scattergun, Handgun, Baseball Bat
Unlockable Weapons: Force-a-nature, Bonk! Atomic Punch, The Sand-bag

The Soldier
The soldier is the most basic yet ideal attacking class. Their weapons are made to be able to send optimum damage at a range, and at close fire allowing them to be a very good offense class. With substantial health and a Rocket Launcher, the Soldier is able to fire rockets about making it very difficult for enemies to maneuver with rockets everywhere. Not to mention the fact that if a Soldier fires a rocket at your feet, you get sent flying into the air, which is a tactic he can even use on himself to move through fields quickly. Then just to help them out more, they also get a shotgun which can dish out decent damage at close range.
Starting Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Shovel
Unlockable Weapons: Yet to be Added

The Pyro
The Pyro is a personal favorite of mine, since they're the most unique of the Offensive classes. Just as the name entails the Pyro is a guy who runs around with a flamethrower lighting everyone on fire. Though when put at a distance they can easily be taken out, a Pyro has the advantage of running into a room, dousing everyone in fire, and then getting out while they all burn to death. Being sneaky is the key to a good pyro, where you can sneak up on enemies, and then set them a-light before they even realize it, and then put them out with your trusty Firefighter Axe. This combo makes the Pyro one of the best room clearers, and close quarter classes.
Starting Weapons: Flamethrower, Shotgun, Ax
Unlockable Weapons: The Back-burner, The Flaregun, The Axtinguisher

Defensive Classes:
Defense classes are the best at exactly what it says, defense. These guys can make it very difficult for an enemy player to infiltrate a base or even get close to a control point. But, that doesn't mean they can't be deadly when switched to offense, in fact if used right these classes can be used for either.

I'm not well versed in the art of the Demo-Man, since I don't really play him. However I've been killed by enough Demo-men that I know how useful this class is. The Demo-man, is the bomb guy. He's the one that makes everything explode. He has a grenade launcher that can lob explosives in an arc at enemies at a distance that also bounce around the area making it hard for the opponent to maneuver, allowing for him to also spam them in a tight area stopping movement. What makes it better, is then he can fire his Sticky Bombs, grenades he can place around doorways and floors, that once you're free to move, explode once he triggers them (By right clicking). The long range of the guns make it so that most of the time, you've exploded before you even see him
Starting Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Sticky Bomb Launcher, Beer Bottle
Unlockable Weapons: Yet to be added

The Heavy
This is Heavy Weapons guy. He's a big guy, with a big gun, and a lot of health. When healed by a medic the Heavy can go up to 450 health making him hard to kill, especially with the fact that if he see's you, that mean's he's firing is very very large mini-gun, which can effectively kill anyone he can get in his sights, especially if they're bunched together. At a distance the gun is good at holding enemies at bay, though it doesn't do a lot of lethal damage, however at mid-range the gun can slaughter almost anyone who isn't smart enough to try to strafe around the big guy. This class I consider to be the most Offensive of the Defense classes, because of how much damage this guy can really do.
Starting Weapons: Mini-gun, Shotgun, Fists
Unlockable Weapons: Natascha, The Sandwhich, The Killing Gloves of Boxing

The Engineer
This class was designed with defense in mind, and that's just what he does. Sure The Engineer only has basic weapons like the Shotgun or Handgun, but attacking is not where he specializes. The Engineer is there, to build guns, lots of guns. The engineer has the funny little ability to be able to pick up scrapped weapons and materials and use it to build objects. Objects such as Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters. Sentry guns once upgraded enough, can make it extremely difficult to capture anything, since right when you get into view they launch rockets at you and just make your day unpleasant. Dispensers are even more troublesome with the fact that the Engineers teammates can just run to them to become healed, and get ammo. All this makes it obvious that an Engineer will usually set up near a capture point and defend it better than anyone else.
Starting Weapons: Shotgun, Handgun, Wrench, Toolbox, Demolisher (Last 2 are gadgets not weapons)
Unlockable Weapons: Yet to be added

Support Classes:
When you don't fit in with everyone else, this is where they put you. Though they do not excel at frontal attacks or defending a control point, these classes all have special ways of being able to tip the scales to their teams favor.

The Medic
Another favorite class of mine, The medic is the healer, able to follow classes around with his Medigun, and heal them from a few feet away, even putting fires out. He's usually seen around Heavies, since with their health already being insanely high, being constantly healed makes them very hard to kill. To make that worse, once the medic heals enough with his Medigun, he can unleash what's known as an Ubercharge. This makes the person he's focusing the beam on Invulnerable for a short period of time. Combining that with a Heavy who charges into a small room, can almost completely wipe out everyone there who is not smart enough to run.
Starting Weapons: Syringe Gun, Medigun, Bone Saw
Unlockable Weapons: The Blutsauger, The Kritzkrieg, The Ubersaw

The Sniper
Just like any other game, The Sniper is that guy who is hiding in a corner somewhere, shooting you repeatedly. The sniper is meant to be stealthy and well hidden, so they can shoot you before they get spotted. Headshots are an instant-kill, and when his shot is fully charged it does 3x the damage a normal shot does. But the one-shot reload of the gun makes it obviously not an offensive attack weapon. If someone does get too close the Sniper has the SMG which can spray bullets wide enough to cause enemies to back off. Though I prefer the SMG, most people switch it out for the unlockable, Jarate, which is just a one shot jar of piss that disorients opponents and puts out fires.
Starting Weapons: Sniper Rifle, SMG, Kukiri
Unlockable Weapons: The Huntsman, Jarate, The Razorback

The Spy
The sneaky bastard of the game. The man who makes you think he's on your side, and then stabs you in the back and takes your mother to dinner. This is the spy. This stealth based class excels at sneaking up behind opponents and then killing them, usually in one shot. They're greatest weapon is the fact that they can disguise themselves as an enemy class, allowing them to infiltrate easily and then kill, everyone. Pyros can ignite disguised spies on fire, even spies that are using their cloaking devices. But if there are no Pyros around, it can be very difficult to tell your teammates apart from a spy. This makes it dangerous to even turn your back to a supposed teammate, since if it's a spy, that gives him a large target for a one-hit backstab.
Starting Weapons: Revolver, Butterfly Knife, Cloaking Device
Unlockable Weapons: The Ambassador, Cloak and Dagger, Dead Ringer

These are the basics of each class, which I think shows that the game has a whole bunch of variety among even just the classes. I wish I could hype it up a bit more, but it's one of those games that after hearing about the basics like this, you really have to test it out for yourself, to feel how it plays. It's not a difficult game to get either, just go to and register a steam acount (For free), and then you can download that game and any other steam game you would want to play, and play them on any computer that has steam. It's a very useful system.

Now, before I leave you feeling maybe a bit dissatisfied, or maybe a little more interested, I'm going to grace you with a few of the best "Meet the Class" videos. Maybe these will peak your interests.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Addicted to Love

Okay, so yesterday I go to my first real meeting with my psychiatrist, and sit down and talk with him for an hour or so. He just asked me questions about why I was there, how I felt, and everything going down. I just told him of my focus issues, and he did a few checks before he told me that I have ADHD. Big Suprise. I've known I've had ADHD since I was like, in elementary school, cause my parents would always have books about it lying around and kept saying "It's for you!" Well, now I officially had a doctors opinion on it. Then he went into asking me about my anxiety, paranoia, stress, all those deals. You know, the things where I think everyone hates me or stupid stuff like that. Yeah, so I told him all that which he seems amazed by. I have no idea why, he probably talks to hundreds of people a week who say the exact same things. So I was thinking he would have to give me tests before he thinks I have depression or anything like that. Nope. He immediatly decided that I need to be on Anti-Depressants. That's fine and all, but there was no talking, no consulting my parents first, it was like "Are you 18? BAM! Adderal and Prozac!" So now, I'm taking drugs that are supposed to help, yet have so many side-affects you would think they used these to assasainate people. I mean I could get seizures, start hearing voices, have a sudden heart attack, JUST fromt he Adderal. That's ridiculous man. I mean, yeah it's working, and I'm actually typing faster than I have before cause I am not distracted by the rest of the internet, but seriously? That many side-affects? Even a possibility of dependence. That's a little silly. Well, at least they warn me though, so I'm prepared to be the guy breaking into your grand-mothers house and popping her prescription pills because I'm addicted to them. Can't wait. I've heard it's an exciting life. Junkie-hood here I come!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Fabulous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

So, I just returned from seeing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince, and I have to say I am impressed. I really did not expect it to be an enjoyable movie, especially with the fact that I had not previously read the book. This gave me the impression that I was going to walk into the movie, sit down, and spend Two and a Half hours going "What? Who? When?" which I only did for five minutes when they decided to ignore Cho Chang and comletely force Ginny and Harry together. Oh yeah, sorry for spoilers. But seriously, though I know it's supposed to be the crew growing up and experiencing love and teenage dating and all that stuff, the love sub-plots seemed slightly forced. In fact the fact that Harry had completely forgotten about Cho and they didn't even show her, or mention her, or acknowledge her existance I think proved that. It was like they tossed out a character who was decided to be unimportant and force him with a pre-existing character. Oh and don't get me started on Lavender. Though her existance would be more of a fight with the book than the movie, since it was obvious that Rowling put her in to kind of give Ron and Hermoine a thing to draw them close together. But enough of that whining, all in all, I thought the movie was thrilling. The action kept me going, the plot was easy to follow, though a little weaker compared to the other movies. Still, this movie left me, charmed, I guess, to use a terrible pun. And like usual, this movie makes me want to live in a world of magic, but for completely different reasons. According to this movie, if you live in a world of magic, you look fabulous, always and forever. Every single person in this movie looked good, no matter if they were a guy or girl, old or young. Every single person was made to be attractive. Hell, Nevil Longbottom had like 2 minutes in this entire movie and even then they make you think "Damn, Nevil is probably getting tons of Hot Witch Models". It was almost ridiculous how good everyone looked, in fact Draco Malfoy only walked around in a suit, and once or twice a vest. I don't even dress that nicely, that often. That's what I call an extreme.

Seriously, I thought Twilight's wardrobe was ridiculous, guess I was proved wrong.

Monday, July 20, 2009

All aboard the Fail Boat

We all know how unoriginal I am, and how I tend to like to join in on things after people I know do them. Well after seeing my brother make one, and then a few of my friends make them, I decided to create my own blog. The problem? I don't do anything that would be blog worthy, well not usually. So this would probably be a pretty empty blog, which would cause no one to want to read it, and have it fall to the wayside becoming utterly pointless. Great. So, while I wait for something exciting to happen, like perhaps a sexy party, I'll just be blogging about everything I enjoy (Comics, Video Games, Cartoons etc...) and occasionally I'll post some hardcore happenings, that cause faces to explode and childrens to cry.

It'll be awesome.